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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Are you battle ready?

The medieval knight was the equivalent of the modern day tank. He was covered in multiple layers of armor, and could plow through foot soldiers standing in his way. No single foot soldier or archer could stand up to any one knight.
To become a knight, a boy would become a squire in service to a knight. His duties included taking care of knight’s armor and weapons, serving the knight and caring for his horse. A squire prepared himself by learning how to handle a sword and lance while wearing forty pounds of armor and riding a horse. When a young man had proven himself worthy, the Lord would agree to knight him in a dubbing ceremony.
The night before the ceremony, the young squire would dress in a white tunic with red robes. He would fast and pray all night for the purification of his soul. The chaplain would bless the future knight’s sword and then lay it on the altar. Before dawn, the knight took a bath to show that he was pure and he dressed in his best clothes. When dawn came, the priest would hear the young man’s confession. The squire would then eat breakfast and prepare for the ceremony.
During the dubbing ceremony, the squire would kneel before the Lord, who tapped the squire lightly on each shoulder with his sword and proclaimed him a knight. The young man would kneel as a squire who had been in training for years, but stand up as a knight, a warrior ready for battle in the Kings army.

As a Christian, we learn that we are forgiven of our sins, have eternal life and will go to heaven . Yet we continue to live in our bodies here on earth and face the temptations to sin again.  Everyday we must confess our sins, renew our minds and battle the fiery darts of the enemy against us and our family, against our health and our finances. No wonder Christians become battle worn and fatigued. It’s exhausting to even think about it. 
So how can we live a Christian life victoriously and not feel defeated. Paul taught us in Ephesians 6, that a Christian must become like a knight wearing our own armor. Like the squire, we must first become dressed in white with the red robes of Jesus’s blood washing us clean from sin. This happens at the moment of salvation. After salvation, we must walk as Christ walked following Him, just as the squire followed and served his knight.
Just as the squire, learned to handle his sword, we must train with ours.  Our sword is the sword of the Spirit, the word of God. Studying and knowing God’s word, having it planted in our hearts and minds, ready to bring it forth when needed. We must read the bible; follow His commandments, pray and fast regularly, seeking the will of the Father in our lives. 
Just as the squire knelt before his lord, we must kneel and humble ourselves before our Lord daily. Finally, we must be strong in the Lord and in His might, dressing ourselves in our armor, girded with truth and grace, wearing the breastplate of righteousness, walking in the gospel of peace, shielding ourselves with faith and covered with the helmet of salvation. Then we must rise, taking up the blessed sword, ready for battle in our King’s army. 
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers and rulers of the darkness, and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
Are you battle ready?

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